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  • Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £1,000

EyeWink: Control your smartphone with eye winks!

A project by: Davide Valeriani


WE RAISED £4,605

from 65 donors

This project received donations on Tue 15 Dec 2015
9 years, 1 month ago

Hi everyone,

As you all know by now, our campaign finished and we smashed our goal! And we felt that a mere "Thank you" would not be enough, so we prepared a special one to celebrate this occasion.

Thanks to everyone who pledged and/or shared this campaign, and thanks to those who donated even after we reached our minimum.

We've been very focused on improving the different parts of EyeWink and we'll be posting about our progress regularly.

The mugs and t-shirts will be on their way soon and will probably reach you before Christmas! But if they don't... be patient! We promise that they're almost there :-)

Finally, congrats to geekfre78, who was the winner of our Christmas contest and will receive this wonderful Nooka watch!

That's it for today! Merry Christmas everyone! We wish you a happy end of year and an even better beginning of 2016, which will be the EyeWink year (so start practising those winks!!)

Thanks again for everything!

Ana and Davide

9 years, 2 months ago

Hey guys,

We have put together an amazing contest for this last week of campaign. Thanks to the support received from Nooka Italia, we are running a raffle to give to every donation of at least £20 made between today and the 15th of December a chance to win an amazing Nooka watch.

Every 10 donations we will randomly choose a winner that will receive his/her prize by Christmas!

Donate now to get this very limited opportunity. And remember: the more you donate the more chances you have to win it!

9 years, 2 months ago

Hello all!

We entered the last week of our campaign, so we would like to update you about our recent achievements.

First of all, we made it! Last Sunday we ran 5k for the Santa Fun Run in Colchester. It was an amazing experience after all, especially because while we were running we got a very generous donation to our campaign. We attach a couple of pictures to convince you ;)

Our campaign is proceeding very well: we raised almost £4,000 and we hope to get another £1,000 before the end so that we can really push the development of EyeWink. For this we need your support through pledges and networking: please invite all your friends and contacts to support us in this last week.

Recently we have been interviewed by IDG Connect about EyeWink and our crowdfunding campaign: have a look at the article.

This is all for now. Thanks a lot!

Davide and Ana

9 years, 2 months ago

Hello lovely people!

We would like to update you about the progress made with our campaign.

Last week we launched a challenge: we would participate in a 5k Santa run to support the Colchester Cancer Centre if we reached our minimum goal by the 29th November. Just to give you an idea, this is what it will look like:

We are very close to our minimum target so we are getting ready for the race. Here's a little taster of how Ana looks like with the hat... And we're not showing more until we get the rest!

But we still need a last sprint of pledges to raise the £500 that separate us from the goal (and then we'll share the whole outfit with you!). So please help us: every little bit counts!

If you experience any problem in donating, please watch this step-by-step video we made.

Thanks a lot,

Ana and Davide

9 years, 3 months ago

Hello winkers!

We weren't planning to send our first update so soon, but you've been so great we couldn't wait any longer!

Thanks to your invaluable support, we raised more than £1,500 in only 3 days and we are the project that raised the most on the University of Essex's Click platform!

We are still far away from our final goal, so remember to keep advertising the campaign and supporting us. If we keep this trend of pledging, we will reach our goal by the end of the month!

Remember there are other ways to help us. We have created a short online survey that you can fill to let us know how you'd like us to develop EyeWink in the future.

Thanks a lot, people!

Davide and Ana