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  • Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £900

UmPhafa Trip

A project by: Eden Plummer


WE RAISED £1,925

from 9 donors

This project received donations on Wed 01 Mar 2017
6 years, 9 months ago

Hi All!It's been over a year since my UmPhafa trip and I just wanted to thank you again for the wonderful experience.

I know that one of you is still waiting for the video diary as part of your reward and I am extremely sorry for the wait but I've had many setbacks. That is my next major creative project and you will receive it by the end of 2018. Why the wait? Look below to see.

So, in my pitch I mentioned that you may be helping me get a job and that's exactly what happened! In a couple of days, I will be doing a Work Based Learning Placement at Colchester Zoo with the tiger section zookeepers. I had a trial day to see if I could handle the work as most people are exhausted after, but because of the skills I learnt in UmPhafa I didn't get as tired as most and was able to work to a high standard, securing the placement. If you didn't donate to this project then I might not be where I am today so from the bottom of my heart, I truly thank you.

This full-time placement finishes in August so in September I will be able to start on the video. If you are interested in my biological, ecological and conservation escapades then you can follow my blog: elpbiologist or my twitter: @eden_plummer

7 years, 11 months ago

Unfortunately, I couldn't take a picture of the kit I bought since I needed to pack it but I am in UmPhafa and have unpacked so here are some of the things you helped me to buy!

Insect repellent and similar since there are lots of bugs around, a DSLR camera and lens so I can take wonderful pictures and videos for your rewards, gaiters for when we go in the bush so I don't get bugs crawling up my trousers and pricked with thorns in my legs, adaptors for the plugs, leather gloves and a lock knife to cut samples in the field, a large brimmed hat so that I don't overheat and the sun is out of my eyes, binoculars to see animals far away, a water and windproof jacket, muted colour clothes to not disturb the animals and a bag to put it all in! This isn't everything but it's most of it.

I will update you on what I've done later on in the week. If you want to follow what I'm doing I will be updating my biology blog elpbiologist and Alex, my friend and roommate for the trip will be vlogging so subscribe to her channel and get daily updates where I will feature: Day 1 Vlog See you soon!

7 years, 11 months ago


Hi everyone!

Sorry I'm been a bit MIA, as a university student the deadlines seem to pile up but fret not, you have not been forgotten! I will be sending out requests for details so I can send out some rewards.

Here's a reminder for dates that you should receive your awards:

  • £5 or more - Twitter thank you: Feb 2017 (you will receive this by the end of the week, I am so sorry for the wait)
  • £10 or more - Thank you and shout out on chosen social media: May 2017 (this was supposed to be March, I will send these out soon so you'll get it even earlier!)
  • £20 or more - Personal email and pictures: May 2017
  • £100 or more - Personal email, video diary and blank postcard: Jul 2017

As for what I've been doing in this time, my project manager Jan has notified me that he was able to find a cheaper flight so the full cost of my project will be £1,290, what a bargain! That means I will have £853.85 raised by you, the donors, to buy my kit and equipment needed for the trip and a few extra optional bits and pieces.

I have some pictures of kit that I already own/I've managed to buy. This will be the basis of my kit that I can expand on and/or upgrade.

I will be having a meeting next week with Jan and a Colchester Zoo representative to learn more about the trip and do some team building with the rest of the students I'll be working. Then I'll be off to UmPhafa the week after so it's all very close.

I hope you're as excited as I am!

8 years ago


Thank you so much everyone that's donated, I couldn't have done it without you! But it's not over yet, I still have to go to Africa and reward you for your lovely donations.

Please be on the look out in your inboxes for more details on your rewards, I look forward to hearing from you!

8 years, 1 month ago

100% target funding reached!

Wow, from 51% straight to 100+%, thank you so much to everyone that has donated, I have now raised all the funds I need.

Since there's just over 20 days left of this project meaning extra funds can be donated. As stated in my pitch these extra funds will go to more kit, better equipment and a better quality camera if I raise enough to get one.

Please keep sharing this project and donating as it's not over yet!

8 years, 1 month ago

Milestone Reached!

51% of my target funding has been reached with just over 20 days to go! Thank you for all your support. Keep on the look out for an update on some things I've bought for the trip!

8 years, 1 month ago

25% of my target reached

I woke up today to find out that 26% of my target has been funded! Than you for your donations, you're all stars!