Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £900
generated 1083 clicks and caused 5 donations totalling £630.00
caused 1 donation of £10.00
generated 421 clicks and donated £5.00
Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £900
A project by: Eden Plummer
from 9 donors
Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £900
generated 1083 clicks and caused 5 donations totalling £630.00
caused 1 donation of £10.00
generated 421 clicks and donated £5.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
5 claimedThank you for your kind donation, you will receive a thank you message on twitter!
1 claimedThank you for your kind donation, you will receive a thank you message and shout out on a social media site of your choice!
1 claimedThank you for your kind donation, you will receive a personal thank you email with 3 pictures from UmPhafa taken by me with your choice of content! Choose from a flower, an animal, a picture of volunteers working or a picture from an excursion.
2 claimedThank you for your kind donation, you will receive a copy of my video diary of the project! This will include updates throughout the 2 weeks of my activities, a follow up of the reserve and more!
0 claimedThank you for your kind donation, you will receive a personal thank you email with 3 pictures from UmPhafa taken by me with your choice of content (Choose from a flower, an animal, a picture of volunteers working or a picture from an excursion) + a copy of my video diary of the project (includes activities from the 2 weeks and an update on UmPhafa)!
0 claimedThank you for your kind donation, you will receive a personal thank you email with 3 pictures from UmPhafa taken by me with your choice of content (Choose from a flower, an animal, a picture of volunteers working or a picture from an excursion) + a copy of my video diary of the project (includes activities from the 2 weeks and an update on UmPhafa) + a blank postcard of one of the pictures I took in UmPhafa!
1 claimedThank you for your kind donation, you will receive a personal thank you email with 3 pictures from UmPhafa taken by me with your choice of content (Choose from a flower, an animal, a picture of volunteers working or a picture from an excursion) + a copy of my video diary of the project (includes activities from the 2 weeks and an update on UmPhafa) + a postcard featuring your favourite picture from the personalised email and a handwritten thank you message!
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