Help the Ugly Duckling hatch at Brighton Fringe!
Above Bounds Theatre Collective need your help to raise £1,000 to take our latest piece of children's theatre The Ugly Duckling & Other Tales to the Brighton Fringe in 2017. We've been accepted to perform at the Warren, an excellent venue which will be a fantastic platform for our work as an emerging company.
Above Bounds - Who Are We?
We are a collective of self-employed artists co-founded by Helen Bovey and George Boundy who graduated from East 15 Acting School in 2013 having studied the unique BA World Performance course. We work on a project-by-project basis. The Ugly Duckling & Other Tales was devised by Helen and George with original music by Emily Snee in July 2016. Our R&D was supported using public funding through the National Lottery by Arts Council England, with project partnership from the Bike Shed Theatre and Worboys Productions. To devise the piece we also worked with dramaturg India Isaac, producer Sam Worboys, illustrator Clare Willcocks, graphic designer Josh Erlick, videographer Luke Jeffery and photographer Gemma Ward- so we were in safe hands. Our mission statement is:
To create exciting work for young audiences.
To create physical work with an interesting story at it’s heart, a story that can educate, entertain and inspire.
To work with a mixture of mediums, puppetry, mask and comedy.
Why the Ugly Duckling?
In 2015, we were selected participants on the Worboys Productions Theatre Farm Retreat, a programme which selects 3 emerging companies creating work for families and gives them chance to develop a new show with mentoring from top children's theatre specialists. The retreat is run by producer Sam Worboys, near Bury St. Edmunds in Suffolk. On the retreat, we decided to tell a story using shadow puppetry as our main medium and so we experimented with Hans Christian Anderson fairy-tales, always keeping our target audience (children aged between 3-7) in mind. We all felt compelled to convey a positive message about body-image. Although the stories of the Emperor's New Clothes and the Ugly Duckling have been performed before, we wanted to make an updated version which would focus on body-image and bring about positive change in young audiences. In an increasingly digitalised society, where trolling and bullying are on the rise, we are seeking to encourage young people to celebrate difference and diversity.
By donating to our project, you will enable us to get our message out there, enabling us to take the piece to the Warren at the Brighton Fringe Festival, a venue where many successful children's theatre companies began their careers. The Festival will be the first stop on our summer 2017 tour, during which we are taking the piece to communities across the U.K.
Below are the full break down costs of taking our show to the Brighton Fringe:
-Registration and publicity fees-£342
-Accommodation for 6 nights- £400
-Leaflet printing (1,000) -£50
-PR (Including Facebook Boost)- £200
-Travel (For 4 adults to the festival and back)- £120
-Food- £50
TOTAL- £1,162
If we hit our minimum target, we will put this towards the Registration and Publicity Fee of £342.
If we hit our full target, we will cover our core costs.
If we receive any extra funds, these will be put towards our UK tour which is taking place during Summer/Autumn 2017. Venues already confirmed include areas such as Tiverton, Crediton, Barnstaple and Lowestoft.
If we hit our targets, then challenges will be completed by the team, eg. Granny will do the cinnamon challenge.
To thank you for your support, we have some fab rewards ranging from a shout out on Facebook and Twitter, to personal video messages from your favourite characters in the show!
Follow our journey!
You can follow our progress along the way by giving us a like on Facebook or a follow on Twitter, where we'll be posting regular updates on our campaign.
Facebook: abovebounds
Twitter: @abovebounds
Help us to achieve our goal.
If you can't donate, please help us spread our message by sharing our campaign, posts and project updates. Every little helps, so whether it is sharing our campaign via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, we can get the word out there. The more the project is shared, the more likely it is to succeed!
Of course, if you can donate, please do and there's some fantastic rewards to repay your generosity.