Essex Alumni & Friends matchfunded £250
generated 648 clicks and caused 25 donations totalling £1395.00
generated 265 clicks, donated, and caused 1 donation of £50.00
generated 220 clicks
5 anonymous donations totalling £757.69
Essex Alumni & Friends matchfunded £250
A project by: Rory Thomas-Howes
from 34 donors
Essex Alumni & Friends matchfunded £250
generated 648 clicks and caused 25 donations totalling £1395.00
generated 265 clicks, donated, and caused 1 donation of £50.00
generated 220 clicks
5 anonymous donations totalling £757.69
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
25 claimedReceive a personal shout-out on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages, as a thank you for supporting - and treat yourself to a lovely cup of tea!
3 claimedChoose between either a signed 'A Partnership' poster or a signed 'I Lost My Virginity to Chopin's Nocturne in B-Flat Minor' poster. Guaranteed to brighten up any room, treehouse or underwater kingdom!
1 claimedYou will receive a personalised thank you video, and a joke crafted by our very own funny-man, Sebastian Gardner, and performed by the three of us. It'll be funny. We promise. YOU WILL ALSO BE ENTERED INTO OUR BRONZE TIER RAFFLE, WITH THE CHANCE OF WINNING A VARIETY OF MYSTERY PRIZES.
1 claimedReceive a signed copy of posters for both shows! Talking points for your latest dinner party and a stylish new addition to your ever-growing Fringe theatre poster collection! (Wait, you don't have one? Well then it's time you started one!) YOU WILL ALSO BE ENTERED INTO OUR BRONZE TIER RAFFLE, WITH THE CHANCE OF WINNING A VARIETY OF MYSTERY PRIZES.
3 claimedSebastian Gardner, famously one of the most dreadful artists this side of the Renaissance, will draw a unique portrait of you or a loved one to cherish for all eternity. YOU WILL ALSO BE ENTERED INTO OUR BRONZE TIER RAFFLE, WITH THE CHANCE OF WINNING A VARIETY OF MYSTERY PRIZES.
1 claimedRory Thomas-Howes will proof-read any document of any choosing for you or someone you nominate - Rory is a professional proof-reader who usually charges £100+ for this service. Proof-reading can include dissertations, essays or business proposals. YOU WILL ALSO BE ENTERED INTO OUR BRONZE TIER RAFFLE, WITH THE CHANCE OF WINNING A VARIETY OF MYSTERY PRIZES.
0 claimedRory Thomas-Howes, who has performed at the Globe Theatre and has a knack for Shakespearean poetry, will write a personalised sonnet on any topic of your choosing, for anyone you like. Yourself, your partner, your lovely nan - it's up to you! YOU WILL ALSO BE ENTERED INTO OUR SILVER TIER RAFFLE, WITH THE CHANCE OF WINNING A VARIETY OF MYSTERY PRIZES.
0 claimedJosh Tucker, musical prodigy currently starring in a one-man musical by acclaimed writer Tom Wells, will write and perform a personalised song just for you! You will be sent a video recording of the song - simply provide us with your name and what you'd like the song to be about, and he will make it happen for you! YOU WILL ALSO BE ENTERED INTO OUR SILVER TIER RAFFLE, WITH THE CHANCE OF WINNING A VARIETY OF MYSTERY PRIZES.
5 claimedYou may choose either the picture by Sebastian Gardner, the sonnet by Rory Thomas-Howes or the song by Josh Tucker. You will also receive a Paper Mug Theatre mug, for all your warm (or cold) beverage needs. YOU WILL ALSO BE ENTERED INTO OUR GOLD TIER RAFFLE, WITH THE CHANCE OF WINNING A VARIETY OF MYSTERY PRIZES.
0 claimedAs a group, we will provide a drawing by Sebastian Gardner, a sonnet by Rory Thomas-Howes and a song written by Josh Tucker and performed by all members of Paper Mug Theatre. You will also receive a Paper Mug Theatre mug. All personalised, all yours, forever and ever. YOU WILL ALSO BE ENTERED INTO OUR GOLD TIER RAFFLE, WITH THE CHANCE OF WINNING A VARIETY OF MYSTERY PRIZES.
0 claimedReceive a permanent 'thank you' acknowledgement in any printed material related to either 'A Partnership' or 'Chopin' - programs, published scripts and on our website! You will also receive a free ticket to both productions in Edinburgh, and a Paper Mug mug. YOU WILL ALSO BE ENTERED INTO OUR GOLD TIER RAFFLE, WITH THE CHANCE OF WINNING A VARIETY OF MYSTERY PRIZES.
0 claimedReceive a permanent 'thank you' acknowledgement in any printed material related to either 'A Partnership' or 'Chopin,' as well as a signed copy of both scripts and a poster of each show. You will also receive a free ticket to both productions in Edinburgh, and a Paper Mug mug. YOU WILL ALSO BE ENTERED INTO OUR GOLD TIER RAFFLE, WITH THE CHANCE OF WINNING A VARIETY OF MYSTERY PRIZES.
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