what is this for, I hear you ask
We are a band formed in East London, touring the UK this summer! We are raising money for the equipment needed to become a fully functioning travelling band!
Who are we?
Rebecca and Jo - We formed the band Gypsy Velvet after playing together and realising we had enough original songs between us for a full album and more, and are ultimately better together!
Eliah- Baby faced bass player. super Funky and a devil on the strings.
Phillip- Bashes drums really well and wears brilliant trousers.
our story
This Band has been formed in our time training as Actors at East 15. It is so important to us to do this tour and carry on making music after this, as we believe our music could really go somewhere, and it brings us all so much joy to perform together and do what we love. It would be amazing to reach out to people all over the world eventually with our songs.
what the money will go towards
The money will go towards funding the tour, and getting the required equipment to allow us to tour and gig for the foreseeable future.
-speakers £400
-studio time £300
-mics £200
-stands £90
-cables £50
-business cards £50
Total : £1000.00
If we raise our target we will be able to record a full album! Any additional money will go towards studio time and promotion.
Facebook : Gypsy.Velvet
Instagram : gypsyvelvet
Twitter : GypsyVelvet19
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFNjpBw3M0OIfoc9dqfrQEw
Thank you so much, all your help is massively appreciated. Share away on Facebook, follow us on YouTube and Instagram, tell a friend about us and share our videos and this page and we can keep spreading the GV love! xox