Please mind the gap between the past and the present
The year is 1940, the last Kindertransport to escape the German forces has arrived in England. Three anxious children await on the platform of Liverpool Street Station wondering whether someone will pick them up.
Louise, Henry, and Charles are united by this historical event that changes and shapes their lives. Their friendship endures through political unrest, missing parents, heartbreak and ethnic segregation. England saved their lives but at what cost? They are reminded every day that their past will forever haunt their future.
Central (Story) Line spans 67 years of friendship as they move from Churchill through Thatcher into Blair, and beyond?
who We are
Fingers Crossed, comprised of three performers/writers and one director/dramaturg, all equal Associate Artists in the company. Reflecting an ensemble-based philosophy, we create and devise our own work as a group. The company was forged in the cultural milieu of London when the members were studying Theatre and while united by our passion for art, what characterises us is our international flavor. Denmark, Sweden, Spain, France, Canada and Colombia are all represented amongst us. This coming of cultures has given us a unique perspective on the world.
Our love of theatre is our strongest unifying factor, but it is also our conviction that these are exciting times for artists; that freedom of expression through this beautiful artform can be extremely powerful. Our work to date has reflected our deep interest in exploring historical events that have changed the world and we strongly seek to maintain the tradition of theatre alive in what has become a digitally driven society. We believe in a communal, collaborative process that encourages the creators involved to explore and expand the potential of live art. We are also committed to creating an immersive environment, one that engages audiences beyond the act of bearing witness.
What can I do?
By donating to our newly founded theatre company you will help us take Central (Story) Line further with hopes of collaboration with production companies and theatres. At the moment we're taking the show to Camden Fringe Festival were we will perform at Monkey House, August 8 - 11 and Camden People's Theatre, August 22-23 (for more info visit our website), and right now we could use all the help in the world, from helping us pay the venue fees to the transport of costumes and props.
Where will the money go?
- Venue hire: £950
- Camden Fringe Registration: £198
- Transport: £100
- Printing costs: £40
- Props and costume: £40

Find us here
Instagram : @fingerscrossedtheatre