Bouygues UK matchfunded £250
generated 853 clicks and caused 1 donation of £50.00
generated 289 clicks
donated £100.00
1 anonymous donation of £3.00
Bouygues UK matchfunded £250
A project by: Hannah Benson
from 9 donors
Bouygues UK matchfunded £250
generated 853 clicks and caused 1 donation of £50.00
generated 289 clicks
donated £100.00
1 anonymous donation of £3.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
9 claimedYou will get a social media high five form us!
0 claimedOur abundant thanks via a personalised video from all of us in the course!
0 claimedThank you! You will get our best photo from the Festival signed by all of us!
0 claimedYou will get a special mention in our programmes and exclusive rehearsal footage/photos of the Debut productions.
0 claimedAll of the above and CT3 will write and record an original song for you, complete with groovy dance moves and a full band.
0 claimedTell us why you are reporting this project: