A short summary of our project
The BA Acting and Contemporary Theatre 3rd year students at East 15 Acting school are looking to raise money to pay for the costs of a professional theatre photographer to photograph their Debut Festival productions.
The Debut Festival is a pioneering event dedicated to the staging of selected new plays written and directed as well as performed by graduating students on this course. This year, we have 7 new shows spanning over 4 days.

Having a professional photographer present over these 4 days is a crucial element to the development and success of these shows once they leave East 15 and continue their journey with the graduate theatre companies that have formed during students time training.
We are in the process of creating press packs and writing applications to Arts Council England, fringe festivals and both regional and London theatres- all of whom request high quality images that entice them to open their doors to our new productions. Something that is particularly hard for emerging companies with no recognition when trying to get a foot in the door for the first time.

Who are we?
BA Acting and Contemporary Theatre is a dynamic and challenging course that trains multi-talented actors with the capacity to create bold and original theatrical works. Our philosophy sees the actor as independent, inventive and entrepreneurial ‘artist’, and gives you the confidence and competencies to realise your own artistic vision. We combine developing your skills as an actor with experimentation in European physical theatre, devising, creative writing, composition and cross-media art, allowing you to expand into roles such as actor/musician, actor/writer, and actor/choreographer. Our teaching is inspired by Lecoq, Grotowski, Boal and their followers, and incorporates methodologies of leading contemporary international companies such as Complicite, the Schaubühe and the Wooster Group.
Where will the money go?
Having researched and compared production photos, we have unanimously selected photographer Meurig Marshall (https://www.meurigmarshallphotography.com/about/) to be the photographer of choice. We feel he will successfully capture the essence of each and every one of the diverse shows on the Debut 2018 programme.
However the cost is calculated per show and even with a discount, comes to the grand cost of £650.
We are pro-activly raising money through a fundraising event at East 15 Acting school, however due to the intensive Debut rehearsal schedule (8.30am-9pm for some) we are limited in time, with the festival fast approaching on the 21st-24th of February.
Find us here
Twitter- @debutfestival
Instagram- @debutfestival
Help us succeed
- You don't need to give money to help us succeed! Please share this project with anyone you think would support us – on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, by email, telephone, in a chat over the fence or on your blog.
- In fact, share it with everyone you know as we think it's a great idea, and the more people who know about it, the more likely we are to make this work out brilliantly.
And we know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did! Please sponsor us and help make this happen.