We are raising money to fund the University of Essex's first comic convention. We hope that this will bring attention to the University and attract more prospective students in the years to come.
"Anime is a term used to refer to Japanese animated productions featuring hand-drawn or computer animation and Manga are comics created in Japan, or by Japanese creators in the Japanese language, conforming to a style developed in Japan in the late 19th century. So basically, in very simple terms, Anime is a cartoon and Manga is a comic."About Us
We are the executive committee of the University of Essex Anime and Manga Society. We are a Gold Standard society and received the award for Most Improved Society for the 2015/16 academic year.
Why you should helpThe convention will be the first of it's kind at the University of Essex. The convention will bring together students, local businesses, and other groups for a fun and enriching event. By donating you will be helping to make this convention a reality, we feel it will greatly boost student satisfaction at the University of Essex.
Where will the money go?- A website for the convention with all the information people will need -£50
- Newspaper adverts - £90
- Flyers/posters- £30
- T-shirts/lanyards for members to wear at events over the summer -£50
- Designing a logo -£30
Total: £250
We have some great rewards to thank everybody who donates, whatever the amount you pledge. Have a look! Entry to the convention is free and everyone is welcome whether they are new to conventions or a long time MCM attendee, but as a contributor you can receive extras based on how much you donate.
Like our Facebook page to keep up with our weekly activities! https://www.facebook.com/AnimeAndMangaSocietyUniversityOfEssex/?fref=ts
Follow our twitter for live progress updates! https://twitter.com/UoEAnimeManga
We also have a Youtube channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCExW1HyL5IGROwsSIzIWw9A
Help us succeed!- If you feel you could spare as little as £1 it will still help us reach our goal
- Don't worry if you can't spare anything, we still appreciate you stopping by
- Please share this on your personal pages to help us make our dream a reality for everyone involved!