Bone deep - etcetera theatre - camden fringe 2021
We're raising £1351.50 to put on BONE DEEP a new play with music at the Camden Fringe 2021 at the Etcetera Theatre in London! We will have a five night run, opening 2 AUG through 6 AUG, with a BSL interpreter for the 3 AUG performance. We want to share this intimate story with you and the audience in Camden, to lift your spirits and ours during this challenging time.
Who we are?
Our creative team for BONE DEEP is made up of dynamic women from around the world. We are career artists, who are coming together to share with you a heartfelt story with live music, to bring us all out of the funk! This professional production will be our first in London.
Why support this project? 
We want to share the joy and love, only live theatre can provide. By providing your funding to this project for the Camden Fringe, you will be supporting diverse women in theatre, providing access to an audience of hearing impaired theatre goers one night, as we will have a BSL interpreter present, providing jobs to a graphic designer and videographers, and finally supporting a love story to be shared with the LGBT+ community and the community at large in Camden, London.
Where will the money go?
- The minimum amount raised will cover the rest of the production costs.
- The maximum target will go towards paying the stage manager/lighting & sound designer, both actresses travel to and from rehearsals and performances and the director/producer.
- What will you do with extra funds if things really take off and you raise more than your target?
- If we make above our maximum goal, we would be able to provide a BSL interpreter for more performances!
- We will give you weekly updates to inform you of our progress!
- Here's a neat breakdown of costs:
- Live Pianist for £90
- Costumes, fixings & transport £105
- Technical Rehearsal in Etcetera Theatre £90
- Understudy stipend £100 for 2 actors
- BSL Interpreter £100
- Press & Marketing £126
- Insurance £100
- Videography £100
- 5% contingency £90.50
- When we reach our maximum goal of £1351.50, £450 of it, plus a match of £450.75 from the University of Essex when we reach our minimum goal of £901.50, will go to pay for the two actresses' travel expenses to and from rehearsals and shows, the stage manager/lighting & sound designer's travel expenses to and from rehearsals and shows, payment for designs for both lighting and sound, and payment for operating the lighting and sound for the run of the show, the director/producer fees for directing and producing the show, as well as payment for travel expenses to and from rehearsals and shows.
- We have great rewards for you like a gift to see the show from the comfort of your home for as low as £5 or about $6.50, as well as gifts from the creative team! Take a look!!!
Images and video
Check out our video appeal featuring our cast members & production team with graphics by Lana Zoppi!
Find us here
Follow us here on:
to find out how we're doing!
Help us succeed!
- You don't need to give money to help us succeed! Please share this project with anyone you think would support us – on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, by email, telephone, in a chat over the fence or on your blog.
- In fact, share it with everyone you know as we think it's a great idea, and the more people who know about it, the more likely we are to make this work out brilliantly.
- And we know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did! Please sponsor us and help make this happen.