Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £400
generated 412 clicks, donated, and caused 4 donations totalling £30.00
donated £35.00
donated £30.00
donated £8.50
2 anonymous donations totalling £35.00
Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £400
A project by: Derrick K Hoppe
from 20 donors
Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £400
generated 412 clicks, donated, and caused 4 donations totalling £30.00
donated £35.00
donated £30.00
2 anonymous donations totalling £35.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
9 claimedFor your help we will give you a big shout out on our twitter account!
2 claimedA pint on us when you're on campus
4 claimedA Photo of the current team along with a thank you note from the president
3 claimedFor anyone that donates anything from £50 upwards will be given the opportunity to have their own initials painted on the back of the helmet to show that they are supporting the blades with every hit!
1 claimedThank you for your kind donation! For this you'll receive an American Football signed by the committee members or whole team if you wish it
1 claimedThank you so much for this very generous donation!! You will receive special mention or an appearance in our next recruitment video, plus our sponsors section on our upcoming website. This could be used as a sponsorship if you have a company that you would like us to advertise or anything else you would like to promote.
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