Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £375
generated 792 clicks and caused 2 donations totalling £220.00
donated £200.00
1 anonymous donation of £400.00
Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £375
A project by: Samantha Adams-Nimmo
from 5 donors
Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £375
generated 792 clicks and caused 2 donations totalling £220.00
donated £200.00
1 anonymous donation of £400.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
3 claimedThank you so much for donating. You will receive a shout-out on a social media of your choice.
0 claimedThank you for the donation, you shall receive three A5 quality printed photographs of areas of your interest, eg the island, turtles, or the project itself.
0 claimedThank you for the donation, you will receive five A5 quality printed photographs of your choice, on any subject area of interest, eg. the island, the turtles, or even the project itself.
1 claimedThank you for your generosity, you shall receive the five A5 photographs of a subject area of your choice, and a postcard from Kefalonia updating you on the project.
0 claimedThank you for your generosity! You shall receive the five A5 photographs of subject areas of your choice, a postcard keeping you updated on the project. I shall also bring you back something nice from the island!
1 claimedTell us why you are reporting this project: