Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £250
generated 379 clicks and caused 3 donations totalling £160.00
generated 420 clicks
donated £20.00
2 anonymous donations totalling £51.00
Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £250
A project by: Owen Landon
from 10 donors
Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £250
generated 379 clicks and caused 3 donations totalling £160.00
generated 420 clicks
donated £20.00
2 anonymous donations totalling £51.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
7 claimedEveryone who donates to this project will get a shout out of thanks on our social media and a whole lot of good vibes aimed right at your beautiful face!
0 claimedDontate £10 or more for a super special meet the cast experience! Meet star of the show Peter Rabbit and pose for a bunny portrait. Ask him about anything you like, hes a great artist. Lynne and Alex will be around too, you know, if you wanna chat to us. But we know who the real diva is....
1 claimedDonate £20 or more and receive a one of a kind personalised art piece by Lynne and Peter Rabbit, plus all previous rewards!
1 claimedDonate over £50 of your hard earned pennies to be included in the Rabbit Heart Set dressing. Be part of Martha and Toms world as a photo, drawing, poem or who knows... You also get all previous rewards, lucky you!
1 claimedDonate triple figures you generous thing you and be invited to Shambles Theatre HQ for a very special dining experience. Do you like animals, home cooked meals and alcohol? this is the donation prize for you! Guess what you also receive all previous rewards! Are you seeing a pattern here?
0 claimedDonate a rent-worthy amount and receive a one of a kind, personalised short story by the ever strange Lynne on a subject of your choice. Much Art Very Woah ! You get ALL OF THE REWARDS! Congratulations!
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