Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £125
generated 481 clicks
generated 228 clicks and donated
donated £165.00
Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £125
A project by: Finn Todd
from 12 donors
Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £125
generated 481 clicks
generated 228 clicks and donated
donated £165.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
8 claimedA personal shout out on my social media accounts and will receive updates on my progress.
1 claimedA personal shout out on my social media accounts and will receive updates on my progress. As well as this, you will become a priority participant for my second piece which will be an Audio Walk.
2 claimedAs my final MA performance will most likely have a limited audience size and will work on a first come first serve basis, you will become a Priority Participant. This means you will be offered a spot as a participant before tickets go on general release! You will also get a personal shoutout on my social media accounts. You will also get free updates on the progress of the piece and even audio samples.
0 claimedYou will become a Priority Participant and will receive free updates and audio samples. You will receive a personal shoutout and thank you on my social media accounts.You will also be offered the opportunity to be a guest participant for scratch performances. You will also be personally acknowledged in my final MA Dissertation submission.
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