The Show
Moby What is an adaptation by Nazli Akhtari based on the American classic Moby Dick that I am taking to Theatre Deli in London. A sea captain becomes filled with rage and obsession after losing a precious limb from a whale attack. Revenge is at play, which begs the question: who’s hunting whom? This classic tale takes on tacky oil companies that are destroying land and ocean life, and failing to cover up their tracks. Moby What is a brilliant script that explores our tendency towards greed and the impacts of the climate crisis.
Director: Valerie Christiansen
Writer: Nazli Akhtari
Stage Manager: Gabo Tse
Sound Designer: Matthew Motte
Gabriela Cerda
David Angland
Constantine Pinotsis
Zoe Zhang
The project
This play is the 3 year culmination of my master’s study in London and time spent in Vancouver Canada on the board of Artists Against Pipeline Expansion. The entire team are very excited about this project but we need your help to make it happen!
Where will the money go?
Our minimum goal will ensure that our actors and the director can be paid and that we can pay for print marketing. This will not cover our set, costume and design costs. The rest of the crew also won't be paid except for an even share of the ticket sales. If we hit our full target, this is how we have thoughtfully budgeted the amount, ensuring all cast and crew members are paid fairly:If we hit our full target, this is how we have thoughtfully budgeted the amount, ensuring all cast and crew members are paid fairly..• £200 Director Fee• £200 Sound Designer• £150 Stage Manager Fee• £150 Writer• £300 Actors - Rehearsals and 3 performances (£100 x 3 Actors)• £50 Supporting Acting Role • £100 Sound Operator• £75 Posters/Flyers/Programs• £50 Facebook Advertising• £100 Rehersals• £75 Props
- For every £10 donated send us in a love letter to put your own personal touch in the show. Can't make a donation? No problem you can still help us by sharing this project with anyone you think would support us – on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, by email, telephone, in a chat over the fence or on your blog. It's super easy! share it with everyone you know as we think it's a great idea, and the more people who know about it, the more likely we are to make this work out brilliantly.
Find us here
Follow our journey while we create Moby What on social media!
Help us succeed!
- We know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did! Please sponsor us and help make this happen.