Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £750
generated 753 clicks and caused 3 donations totalling £355.00
generated 268 clicks, donated £150.00, and caused 1 donation of £50.00
generated 696 clicks
8 anonymous donations totalling £835.00
Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £750
A project by: Daniela Atiencia
from 16 donors
Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £750
generated 753 clicks and caused 3 donations totalling £355.00
generated 268 clicks, donated £150.00, and caused 1 donation of £50.00
generated 696 clicks
8 anonymous donations totalling £835.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
14 claimedA Ghost Light cuddle, or firm handshake
1 claimedSocial Media Shout Out!
0 claimedRice Krispies - delivered directly to your door!
0 claimedBrothers challenge - Give Trent and Liam an option of 3 short challenges to pick from (within reason) and see who wins! Video evidence published online!
0 claimedThe cast will sing you a traditional Italian song and sent via video.
1 claimedFREE TICKET for London Preview or Edinburgh Fringe + a free copy of the script (digital or paperback) + an Instagram video saying thank you!
0 claimedx2 Tickets for a Edinburgh performance plus Italian chocolate salami and Italian "cookbook" (Italian chocoalte salami must be picked up show evening.
0 claimedPrivate personal training consulation (30 minutes) and session (an hour) either in person or via skype + a traditional Italian song via instagram
1 claimedWe'll carry David in the Family Values rug across the Royal Mile in Edinburgh!
0 claimedx8 FREE TICKETS for London or Edinburgh, signed poster, script (digital or paperback), night out with the company, instagram video to say THANK YOU!!
0 claimedBed + Breakfast at a Castle!
0 claimedSPONSORSHIP! Advertising on Family Values marketing materials.
0 claimedWe'll carry Tino in the Family Values rug across the Royal Mile in Edinburgh!
0 claimedTell us why you are reporting this project: