Bouguyes UK matchfunded £250
generated 785 clicks, donated £28.00, and caused 7 donations totalling £198.00
generated 212 clicks
donated £30.00
Bouguyes UK matchfunded £250
A project by: Christopher Khounsombath
from 9 donors
Bouguyes UK matchfunded £250
generated 785 clicks, donated £28.00, and caused 7 donations totalling £198.00
generated 212 clicks
donated £30.00
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9 claimedThank you for the support! You will receive a shout-out on our Social Media pages, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
0 claimedThank you for the support! You will receive a shout-out on our Social Media pages, and a personalised email from the Club President.
0 claimedThank you for the support! You will receive a shout-out on our Social Media pages,and a Lacrosse Ball signed by the Executive Members of the Lacrosse Club.
0 claimedThank you for the support! You will receive a shout-out on our Social Media pages, and a video of the Men's Lacrosse team thanking you for the donation!
0 claimedThank you for the support! You will receive a shout-out on our Social Media pages, a Lacrosse Ball signed by the Executive Committee and a Lacrosse Jersey!
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