#GiveEssex5 Campaign matchfunded £200
generated 815 clicks, donated £44.00, and caused 15 donations totalling £394.00
generated 430 clicks and caused 4 donations totalling £88.00
donated £38.00
#GiveEssex5 Campaign matchfunded £200
A project by: George Ridley
from 19 donors
#GiveEssex5 Campaign matchfunded £200
generated 815 clicks, donated £44.00, and caused 15 donations totalling £394.00
generated 430 clicks and caused 4 donations totalling £88.00
donated £38.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
20 claimedA thank you message from the club!
0 claimedYou will get an invitation to join us for one of our infamous socials. Lucky you!
0 claimedYou will get a personalised video from all our team members to remind you of your generous donation!
0 claimedYou will get a VIP Training session with us for FREE! Thank you very much.
0 claimedThat is so generous! Thank you so much. You will be credited on all our equipment and social media channels as an official sponsor of the club!
0 claimedTell us why you are reporting this project: