Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £635
generated 1193 clicks and caused 40 donations totalling £906.00
generated 423 clicks and donated £25.00
generated 410 clicks
19 anonymous donations totalling £311.00
Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £635
A project by: Temitayo Odunaike
from 45 donors
Alumni of the University of Essex matchfunded £635
generated 1193 clicks and caused 40 donations totalling £906.00
generated 423 clicks and donated £25.00
generated 410 clicks
19 anonymous donations totalling £311.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
32 claimedSocial high five.i will be happy to thank you by Tweet, Facebook, or Instagram.
8 claimedA video shout from me thanking your for your donation
3 claimedA video of the song of your choice with a personalised thank you message (which might sound better than the song!)
2 claimedA soveneir from China, and a video thanking you for your contriubution.
1 claimedTell us why you are reporting this project: