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Experience for Rock climbing Instructor Qualification (RCI)

A project by: Rory Malloch



from 2 donors

Help fund me to get the required experience to become a Rock Climbing Instructor!

Experience required to become a rock climbing instructor (RCI)!

I'm trying to raise £500 to go and get the required experience to become a rock climbing instructor.

Who am I?

I'm Rory, a second-year Biological Science student with an interest in becoming an outdoor rock climbing instructor. I currently volunteer as an indoor climbing instructor for the university climbing club, and combining this with my love for the outdoors would love to be able to work and volunteer as an outdoor rock climbing instructor.

my story

To become a rock climbing instructor you need a huge variety of climbing experience. Some climbs can take hours to set up and climb safely. To gain this required experience, I plan to do a trip around the Alps furthering my climbing knowledge and skills, while improving my ability to teach. As well as using this as an opportunity to get ideas for potential projects for postgraduate degree research. This would help me merge my 2 main interests and improve my voluntary capability as well as my professional ability, to enrich my university studies with wider knowledge

The plan

The plan for the trip is to spend the month of July driving the length of the Alps west to east, climbing, and observing nature.

The climbing part: To climb, observe climbers, and observe instructors in one of the most diverse climbing locations in the world. As stated above, this would then let me reach the prerequisites needed for RCI training and assessment.

The non-climbing part: A key skill for biology is scientific drawing, and I'd use this time to progress in this skill on a diverse set of plants that I find. All the historically best biologists started as observers of nature, which is where they got the inspiration for some of the biggest scientific discoveries of all time.

Where will the money go?

The money raised will go towards travel and accommodation in the Alps, where I will be able to spend a month gathering the experience I need before attempting to become an instructor.

Cost breakdown:

  • Return flights from London to Lyon ~£100
  • Accommodation (Campgrounds etc) ~£150
  • Food ~£100
  • Travel expenses (petrol money etc) ~£150

*all approximate as they can vary depending on when bought etc

If we raise more than the minimum, the extra money will go towards rock climbing gear needed to be an instructor.


There will be cool rewards for every tier of donation! 

These will range from photos from the trip to video messages.

Help me succeed!

How can you help?

Telling anyone you know about this, and sharing on social media both help me by letting this reach a larger audience!

Saying this, donations help the most and the project can't be done without them.


Rory :)