A short summary of My project
This summer I am volunteering in Santa Maria, Brasil for 6 weeks and I will live with the lovely Brazilian family. Also, I will work 5 hours every single day, 5 days per week. My aim for this project is to educate children about Europe, human rights and gender equality as well as promote peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development. Also, I hope to raise awareness among the kids about the world's most important issues and inspire them to take action to change their lives and the lives of others. One of the biggest issues in Brazil is how unprepared our kids leave the school in the globalized world.I hope to teach them the Lithuanian, English and Russian languages in addition to sharing my country's food, music, and traditions. The NGO "Vicente Pallotti" works with kids from 6-17 years old in poor communities; I now have a chance to start impacting their lives, as well as learn about their culture, traditions and language. Furthermore, I will be running classes and workshops with kids about the Global Goals theme.My main goal is to connect with them and bring them all attention, love and care. More info about the project here: https://aiesec.org/opportunity/863591
My story
Hello, dear people, I am Julija and I am from Lithuania. I have turned 21 recently and I am ready for a new adventure. I am a 1st year Art History student at the University of Essex. I have always been passionate about cultures, languages and people, probably this is why I moved to England from my home country. So, I am going to Brazil because it's one of the most beautiful countries in the world, it has nice people and beautiful language that I would like to learn. Therefore, I have always loved children and the idea that I can help them or contribute to their future makes me so happy. Also, I will have time to explore Santa Maria architecture and art that is truly valuable to my degree. I will benefit from this project so that in the future I will be able to apply this experience in my new job or studies.
Where will the money go?
- Project fee 450 pounds
- Visa 50 pounds
- Total : £500
Any extra money will go towards flight tickets which cost about £700-£800.
- I appreciate every single donation so I promise I will send postcards and pictures. Also I am going to make a short video about my trip and I will post on social media and include your name.
Find me here
Help ME succeed!
- I need as many people as possible to be talking about MY project. Everywhere you can think of!
- You don't need to give money to help me succeed! Please share this project with anyone you think would support me – on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, by email, telephone, in a chat over the fence or on your blog.
- In fact, share it with everyone you know as I think it's a great idea, and the more people who know about it, the more likely I am to make this work out brilliantly.
- And I know I said you don't need to give money to help me, but I'd love it if you did! Please sponsor me and help make this happen.