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A project by: Nicole Brohl


WE RAISED £1,655

from 23 donors

For King and Company.

short summary of your project

We're taking our reimagining of Shakespeare's Richard II to the Golden Goose Theatre this summer!

As broke, recent International Drama School Graduates we're launching this campaign to help us cover the costs of marketing, booking the venue, hiring technical support etc. If you're curious about where exactly the money would go to, please check out our break down below.

Who are WE?

Far Between Theatre company was founded to leverage the ability for performance art to shape minds and touch hearts for the benefit of our planet and societies. We believe theatre particularly has the power to shine a light on the challenges AND possibilities of the human systems we’ve created and the natural systems with which we’re inextricably linked.

Shakespeare’s Richard II (as the beginning of Shakespeare’s Henriad saga) shows us that we are the people who both make up the flaws in our systems and who have the capability to improve them. Setting the play in a modern corporate world - a foundational example of conflicting principles within a human-made system - permits us to give audiences a reflection of themselves as deeply and subconsciously embedded in our systems, and to encourage ownership in our individual ways.

Far Between Theatre founded by Britte de Groot and David Martinez.

Our first production - Richard II - will be directed by David Martinez with Maira Vandiver as assistant director and Nicole Bröhl as producer.

Richard II pitch

Set in a modern corporate culture, Shakespeare’s Richard II shows us that those in power fuel and fight for the systems we’ve created. But the forces of power have human faces behind them, and we drive them into systems which were never meant for someone to truly be themselves.

How can a leader lead while staying true to who they are? Set in a cutthroat corporate nexus, this modern reinterpretation depicts how “monarchy” has not been eliminated from the modern world but merely translated into capitalist dictatorship, which espouses individuality through self-determination while simultaneously eradicating all those individuals with “deviant” identities. Richard, the young CEO of England Enterprises, is a fickle, hedonistic individual, as equally charming as he is inconstant, playing a precarious balancing act between an identity of authenticity and an identity as king. While the city’s economy suffers and its working class is drained for capital, Richard leverages his power to play favourites and spend indiscriminately, leaving the empire dangerously unstable and precipitating a desperate struggle. With the walls closing in, survival could mean a choice between power and personal truth. The decisions made inside this glass-walled garden will reverberate for generations.

Where will the money go

  • If we hit our minimum, we'd be able to bring the play to life with the help from outside resources. A production would be possible! Hitting our full target would ensure that we can focus more on our marketing to fill up the theatre more. In case of any money being leftover after the production, it would get reinvested into our theatre company to serve as a kickstart for future projects.
  • Venue hire (one week): £1500
  • costumes: £150
  • physical marketing (flyers, posters, etc.): £50
  • to pay our board operator/ lighting designer: £200
  • set & props: £150


Check out our reward system and join us for our performances in July!

Find us here

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Help us succeed!

  • You don't need to give money to help us succeed! Please share this project with anyone you think would support us – on Instagram, Facebook or word of mouth!
  • In fact, share it with everyone you know as we think it's a great idea, and the more people who know about it, the more likely we are to make this work out brilliantly.
  • And we know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did! Please sponsor us and help make this happen.