Bouygues UK matchfunded £250
generated 1157 clicks and caused 1 donation of £5.00
generated 267 clicks
donated £600.00
donated £240.00
4 anonymous donations totalling £589.00
Bouygues UK matchfunded £250
A project by: Adam Woodhouse
from 7 donors
Bouygues UK matchfunded £250
generated 1157 clicks and caused 1 donation of £5.00
generated 267 clicks
donated £600.00
4 anonymous donations totalling £589.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
7 claimedThank you for supporting our project, you are helping to improve first aid training facilities on campus! Donate £5 or more and we we will invite you to join us as a casualty at our multi agency event on 24/03/18 where you can see the new equipment so up close that you will be wearing it as you will be one of the patients for the event.
0 claimedYou are Awesome! Thank you for your support. You are helping to improve first aid training facilities on campus! Donate £10 or more and not only will you be invited to join us as a casualty at our multi agency event on 24/03/18 but we will also give everyone who donated £10 or more a massive thank you and a shout out on our Facebook page.
0 claimedYou are Amazing! Thank you for supporting us to improve first aid training facilities on campus! Donate £20 or more and you will receive all the rewards of the £5 and £10 donors as well as being invited to a basic first aid awareness session where you will be given the skills you need to save someones life. You will then be able to put these to the test on casualties who will be wearing the equipment you helped to fund.
0 claimedThank you, you are a true hero! You are a major helper in our scheme to improve first aid training facilities on campus! Donate £50 or more and you will receive all the rewards of the £5, £10 and £20 donors as well as getting a personal shout out and thank you post from our Facebook page.
0 claimedWOW, Thank you so much! Donate £100 or more and we will place your name on the inside of one of the training moulages you have helped to fund where it will be seen by everyone who uses it for years to come. As one of the main contributors we will also give you a personal hand written thank you from all of our committee members. You will also get all the rewards from the £50, £20, £10 and £5 options. as well as having a personal tour of one of the operational ambulances which we will be using on the day.
0 claimedWOW, we are blown away! Donate £500 or more and we will place your name on the outside of the case containing the equipment you have helped to fund where it will be proudly presented for years to come. As a one of the main contributors we will also give you a personal hand written thank you from all of our committee members and we will provide you with a personal behind the scenes tour of our Multi Agency training event on the 24th of March where you will see first hand what its like to be in the St John Ambulance control room as well as having a personal tour of one of the operational ambulances which we will be using on the day. You will also get all the rewards from the £50, £20, £10 and £5 options.
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