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Summer School in Spain

A project by: Carla Camilleri



from 11 donors

This project received donations on Tue 22 Aug 2017
Support and help me learning Spanish!

A short summary of my project

¡Hola! I’m studying Modern Languages and my main language of study is Spanish. The Spanish Intensive module also includes a month in Valencia (Spain) in September; in Spain I will attend Spanish classes at a language school and will live with a Spanish family.

Who am i?

My name is Carla, and languages are my passion, not only one of the several academic subjects that I could have chosen. I believe that studying different languages opens doors to new horizons. I have always been curious about the way people communicate: my goal is to learn as much as possible to become a world citizen, with a global vision of my surroundings.

my story

I’ve been studying Initial Spanish for about a year and thanks to this experience I will be able to reach the Advanced level. I’m enjoying this language and the Hispanic culture so much that every opportunity I have to learn more about it, is the most valuable thing I can ask for.

Where will the money go?

I will use the money raised to increase the knowledge of the Spanish language, learn how to live in a different country and be part of this exciting and challenging experience. I would raise money to cover:

  • travel costs (around 200£)
  • for the accommodation in Valencia (400£)
  • living costs (100£)

and if I manage to raise more than my minimum goal (700£), I plan to extend my experience of Spanish culture by taking field trips or doing other course related activities (200£).


Hey, I have also some fab rewards to thank everyone who donates, whatever the amount you might give. Check them out.

Find me here

Follow me to find out how I'm doing!



Help me succeed!

You don't need to give money to help me succeed! Please share this project with anyone you think would support me – on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, by email, telephone, in a chat over the fence or on your blog. In fact, share it with everyone you know as the more people who know about it, the more likely I am to make this work out brilliantly. And I know I said you don't need to give money to help me, but I'd love it if you did!

Please sponsor me and help make this happen. ♡

thank you!